If you have failed to do well in something, learn something here

When you succeed and shine there are people who will rejoice and celebrate with you even if you do not know them. And at the same time there will be people who will hurt and mourn in pain why you are successful? Why are you shining?

And even when you fall into the trap of economic, social, professional, there are those who will cry and hurt you. And at the same time there will be people who will rejoice even if you do not know them and enjoy your downfall.

You know there are people who like to see someone go through some pain and it gives them a lot of comfort.

What it means ..... your life is in your hands. With pleasure or happiness, sorrow and sadness, failure or victory are all in your hands.

A cat is a very special animal.

He falls while knowing he is falling and in his mind he prepares himself before he falls to the ground he already begins to stand before he reaches the ground.

As a human being you cannot be like a cat but you can try a few things. When you fall don't stay long in the fall find a solution. Stop sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. Restart, Change direction, Change methods and formulas do as much as possible..and don't think of people or think of them as there are those who are having a party to enjoy your downfall and there are those who are hurting you.

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