Things that will prevent you from getting diabetes


Diabetes is one of the non-communicable diseases, which is caused after the pancreas fails to make enough insulin in the body.

Insulin is a hormone whose main function in the body is to regulate blood sugar levels.

Now today I would like to tell you my reader these seven things that if you do every day you can keep yourself away from this diabetes.

1. Have a normal weight

Consider having a healthy weight for yourself as being overweight can be a source of diabetes. When you have a normal weight you are told that you will be 6% diabetic.

2. Concentrate on healthy eating

You should eat a diet that follows good health practices including focusing on eating fruits and vegetables.

3. Drink enough water

You are advised to drink as much water as you can, you should drink at least 7 to 8 glasses a day

4. Don't forget to exercise

Exercise is important for everyone, so if you want to avoid this diabetes it is best to try to drink enough water every day.

5. Avoid stress

Excessive thoughts can also be a source of diabetes, so try to avoid the habit of constantly stressing yourself to keep yourself away from diabetes.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleeping is also important for our human health is also one of the ways to avoid this diabetes

7. Do regular health check-ups

Try to create a routine of checking your health regularly so that it is easier to detect your health problems early before the problem gets worse.

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