10 Ways to Avoid Fire Disasters in the House

In the near future there have been many incidents of fire disasters. These events cause great damage to property or even cost lives.

Being surrounded by your favorite home or property is definitely a bad thing that you would not want to happen.

Due to the poor environment and infrastructure of buildings, fire disasters have continued to plague many people. However, there are a number of methods you can use to deal with fire disasters.

Welcome to follow this article to share 10 ways to avoid house fires as well as the precautions you can take.

1. Use an efficient and secure electrical system

Many fire hazards are caused by faults caused by poor electrical systems.

Due to lack of education or lack of money, many people use poor equipment when installing electricity in the home. Factors to consider in order to have a better electrical system:

Use the best electrical appliances in buildings. Avoid such things as the use of soft speaker cables or connecting wires using nylon; this can lead to fire.

Avoid transferring electricity from one house to another without the use of proper equipment.

Use a professional, that is, a technician who is well versed in the electrical profession. If you use an inexperienced person he will put you in a poor system that can cause a fire.

2. Use sockets and switches properly

Given the poor construction, it is not surprising to find one house with one or two sockets. This causes people to fill every device in the same socket, an issue that causes the socket to overheat and burn.

Make sure you do not put too much pressure on the socket or cable to prevent the risk of fire. Also make sure children do not play with sockets or electrical switches.

3. Use the stove properly

If you have a stove in the house you should take extra care. It does not matter if you are an electric, gas or oil stove you should consider the following to avoid fire hazards.

Do not turn on the stove if no one is around.

Do not let children play or use the stove without close supervision.

Avoid the use of charcoal or wood stove indoors. This has been a major source of fire.

Use the best stove. For example, using a gas leak can cause an explosion.

Clean your stove thoroughly. Leaving the stove with oil or leaving paper near the stove can cause a fire.

4. Do not leave a fire burning near the house

There are times when someone lights a fire near the house. Lighting a fire near a house requires great care as it can lead to a fire disaster.

Remember that wind can cause a fire to come into contact with a house, so it is important to make sure that you extinguish every fire that you kindle outside.

5. Use open flames carefully

Sometimes people light candles, candles, or even cigarettes in the house. These items can lead to a major fire disaster if appropriate action is not taken. You can consider these:

Do not light a battery or a candle when no one is around.

Do not allow children to play or use a battery and a candle indoors.

Do not place a battery or a candle near flammable materials.

Do not let anything burn while you are asleep as anything can happen.

Do not smoke indoors.

6. Prepare infrastructure and firefighting

It is important to take precautions before a catastrophe occurs. It is important to make sure your home has fire-fighting infrastructure as well as firefighting equipment. You can do the following:

Install smoke detectors.

Make sure people can save themselves through windows or doors if a fire breaks out. That is, build windows and doors that allow people to save themselves.

Install fire extinguishers such as a fire hydrant as well as air cylinders.

7. Use high-quality electrical equipment

In the first argument I mentioned about using the best electrical system in the house; and here I explain the importance of using the best electrical appliances in the home.

It is important to ensure equipment such as radio, iron, refrigerator, television, stove, n.k. they have the required quality to prevent such equipment from catching fire.

8. Avoid flammable objects

There are things that catch fire quickly, these things are dangerous to be kept in the house; these items are such as motor oil or kerosene, paint, gas, cotton, n.k. Make sure you check every product you want to keep in your home to determine if it catches fire quickly so that it can be stored with great care.

9. Be careful when the power goes out

Electricity in many African countries is very unreliable, frequently cut off and has varying degrees. This issue has largely contributed to the occurrence of many fire disasters.

However there are a few precautions you can take to address this problem.

Turn off electrical appliances when the power goes out. Electricity often goes back to normal and can cause your equipment to catch fire.

Use Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR and Stabilizer). These devices ensure that the electricity coming into your equipment is of the required standard. These devices also have a system known as "delay" which does not allow electricity to enter the equipment directly upon return.

10. Proper education for family members

Proper education is the key to avoiding stress. It is important to make sure that every member of the family or resident of the home is aware of safety precautions against fire hazards.

In this way to get the right education and knowledge everyone will be the guardian and protector of home security against fire disasters.


With these  several steps outlined above to protect yourself from fire hazards, there is one thing you need to take note of.

It is important to make sure that documents or valuables are kept in a safe place where they will not burn. I have witnessed people losing certificates, important documents and money due to not keeping them in a safe place.

The Last Word

Certainly fire disasters are most inevitable if you take proper precautions. It is important hto ensure the safety of your home and equipment to avoid major losses in your life.

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