many people have a difficult life


One of the passions that most people have, whether in life or in business, is the desire to succeed. The pursuit of success at all times — financially, physically, emotionally, financially, and even spiritually — is one of the goals that each of us aspires to. But despite the presence of the will, the passion, and the efforts we put in to achieve those goals our things still seem to be going awry. There are a number of reasons why many fail to succeed in these areas, but in our article today we will look at and learn the reasons that lead many to fail to succeed economically. Have you ever wondered, what are the reasons why so many are not economically successful? . There are a number of reasons why many do not rise economically.

And some of those reasons are as follows:

1. Lack of knowledge

There is a quote in the bible that says "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". The number one key to success in any endeavor in life is knowledge. Knowledge is the means used to get out of trouble or to be able to get something or wisdom. And that lack of knowledge among many people is the main reason why many do not prosper economically. And in that sense, in order to be successful in any aspect of life, you must first have knowledge. And that knowledge can be acquired through a variety of means, such as reading books, having a mentor, attending seminars, and so on. Acquiring knowledge in one way or another will help you to unlock treasures that are hidden in your head and that, if used effectively, can uplift you physically, economically, socially, and spiritually.

2. Not using the knowledge we have

There is nothing harder in life than self-discipline, self-discipline is the state of being able to do what you are supposed to do even if you don't feel like doing it. Most of us know what we should do but in one way or another we fail to do. Acquiring knowledge and then not working on the knowledge you have is tantamount to useless work. Success in life does not depend on the amount of education or money you have. Success in life depends on the urgency of acquiring new knowledge and the ease with which to apply it, but most of us have not been able to comprehend it without first realizing it. There is a quotation in the Bible that says, "Take heed therefore how ye hear;" for he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have ”. And that quote means that; accept to acquire knowledge, use it to benefit others, if you do not use it it will melt away. It is important that you acquire knowledge and apply that knowledge.

3. Misuse of time

Each of us has twenty-four hours a day, and how you use those hours is what can make your success or failure possible. Time is a very important resource. Time is the only resource that cannot be returned when used. The key question you should ask yourself is; How do you spend your time? Any investment you make now using the time you have is what you will reap tomorrow. never allow yourself to be wasted on not having this or that. Start with the best use of time with your mind, and god will open the way for what you do not have now. But most of us by not realizing this have been spending our time on a number of things that in one way or another become useless to us.

4. Misuse of money

One of the most important and must-haves for each of us is financial education. And unfortunately this education is not taught in the classroom. Lack of financial education is the main reason why many people misuse money. The problem we have with many is not access to money but good financial management. Earning money is easy as money is available based on the amount of value you give to others, so that you can be financially independent, eliminate or reduce the nuisance of the needs of others. people will give you their money and you will be free to complete all your needs. but in spite of that, the issue of strictly managing what we get is still a problem. Lack of good financial management is what is causing many of us to not recover economically due to the existence of misuse of money. It is important that we learn how to manage and manage our money well.

5. Making money is the first goal

As I said earlier that: in order to be financially independent, then remove or reduce the nuisance of the needs of others. and by doing so people will give you their money and you will be free to meet all your needs. And in my learning about personal development what I came to learn is that; Wealth is getting what you want and poverty is not getting what you want. If you want to serve people first you will get up quickly.

It will allow you to see people's responses and concerns. And you will use that knowledge to innovate new techniques and services.

I wish you good luck with what you have learned.

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